
LogixPro® 500 PLC Simulator
CD/Key Edition

RSLogix 500 Simulator by TheLearningPit


The LogixPro 500 CD/Key Edition utilizing SecuRom Technology.

Professor Bill's LogixPro 500 PLC Simulator continues to be available on copy-protected CD. The CD/Key Edition brings complete portability to LogixPro, and is ideal for those wishing to utilize LogixPro on multiple computers. Whether at home, office, or school, LogixPro can now be ready for use. Just insert the CD, and any computer having LogixPro installed will detect the presence of the CD/Key, and allow the fully unrestricted use of LogixPro. Install LogixPro onto as many computers as you wish, then simply use the CD/Key to unlock the one you are about to use.

The CD contains the full LogixPro installation program. When inserted into the drive of a computer that does not yet have LogixPro installed, it will prompt the user to do so. Thereafter, the CD acts as the "Key", and LogixPro will start-up fully unlocked and remain so while the CD is present. In addition, there will be no need to purchase a new CD/Key when LogixPro is updated or features are added . All future LogixPro updates may be downloaded and installed onto your computer(s) at will, and without concern for the continued and unrestricted operation of LogixPro.

All CDs are packaged in unbreakable slim-line cases which have also proven ideal for distribution in class, or from bookstores. Shipping costs to locations in Canada, and the USA are included in the pricing. click for further pricing details..  Click for Pricing details


Prior to Purchasing LogixPro, Please Note!

The CD/Key Edition should only be ordered in situations where LogixPro has already been evaluated and approved for use. It should not be viewed, nor used as a means of evaluation. Such users are asked to utilize the standard LogixPro download which is specifically designed for such use. The standard download employs the exact same LogixPro software, along with a free "15 day Trial Mode" evaluation period which should be utilized prior to making any purchasing decision.

The LogixPro 500 CD/Key is fully compatible with most modern AMD / Intel Processors running WinXP through Win10 systems.. The CD/Key is not compatible with Mac computers, or computers running variations of unix/linux.

Only your name, address, and shipping information is retained for use, and entry into our customer registration database. Customer information is considered confidential, and will not be shared or distributed to any third party.



Secure Online Ordering using a PayPal acccount, or choice of Credit Card.   ......     just .... $50 US Funds  ...... or less Click for Pricing details

When you click on the "BuyNow" button Secure Paypal or Credit Card Payments you'll be asked for the quantity of CDs and confirm the pricing. Once you arrive at the secure payment page, you can log into your PayPal account if you have one, else simply select the "Pay using a Credit Card" option located on the page.

An email confirmation will be sent to you shortly after completionof your purchase transaction.. Your CD(s) will then be shipped prior to the end of the following business day. Normally you should receive your CD(s) within 8 to 12 days for locations within Canada, and the USA.



Multiple Orders equals Convenience and Savings!

Many schools and training facilities are now utilizing LogixPro as an integral tool in their PLC training courses. Whether LogixPro 500 is being used for online courses, in the classroom, or at home, the CD/Key Edition offers a level of flexibility and convenience never before seen in RSLogix training programs. All that remains, is to provide the student with the convenience and savings that can only be achieved with in-house availability.

Contacting TheLearningPit via e-mail
For all your questions, please email: admin@TheLearningPit.com

Contacting TheLearningPit via postal mail
301 Kent Street
Whitby, Ontario   L1N 4Y5


 Professor Bill ......Enjoy!




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